In parallel to working hard on our upcoming beta release of, which will launch an upgraded architecture and improved features, we took part at SlovakiaTech 2023 that was held in Košice during 19th and 20th September. The pulse of innovation was palpable, underscoring Slovakia's position as a hub of technological advancements. The team from DimensionLab was right at the heart of the buzz, taking center stage where Michal Takáč, our CEO, sparked conversation on harnessing the power of AI for engineering and science, specifically, how we merge artificial intelligence and nuanced neural networks for simulating physics in virtual environments. The forum served as a platform to forge new partnerships, foster discussions, and shed light on the prospects of applying the latest approaches in scientific machine learning across diverse industries.

A dive into the AI-driven numerical simulation

In a world that is increasingly reliant on data and algorithms, the focus has gradually shifted towards making machine learning more scientific and geared towards solving complex real-world problems. DimensionLab, a pioneer in this field, is developing software platform that integrates AI-driven numerical simulations with scientific learning principles to revolutionize how industries approach solving engineering and scientific challenges.

During the conference, our team unveiled the core mechanics and key components of state-of-the-art scientific machine learning models’ architectures. We demonstrated the vast potential and the groundbreaking opportunities that PhysicsML brings to the table.

Bridging industry gaps with PhysicsML

As we interacted with industry professionals and enthusiasts, it became increasingly clear that the bridging of physics and machine learning could herald a new era of innovation. The integration facilitates a synergistic relationship that promises to unlock untapped potential in various industries, from raw materials extraction, manufacturing and healthcare to energy and beyond (to space).

Our discussions revolved around how PhysicsML could serve as the linchpin in accelerating the transition from traditional simulation models to more dynamic, accurate, and predictive frameworks. The conference was a testament to the interest and the widespread acknowledgment of the potential impacts that this fusion of disciplines can have in reshaping industry norms and standards.

Discussing support for Slovak startups

A notable highlight of the SlovakiaTech forum was the panel discussion about the ecosystem of financial support available to Slovak startups. There are many more ways of how startups can secure funding than there were a few years ago. We can see higher availability of VC funding, many accelerators, mentorships on how to secure international funding, and the narrative was that the state should put more emphasis on creating funding opportunities in forms of grants for early-stage startups, and cut back on bureaucracy in the application process. Branislav Kršák, our Head of R&D Partnerships, summarized the views from the startup’s point of view, and together it made for a fruitful discussion and Q&A session.

Looking ahead: DimensionLab as a strong force in AI-driven engineering

As we wrap up our experience at SlovakiaTech 2023, it’s clear that the technological innovation in Slovakia is accelerating at a rapid pace. Also, we’re delighted about the positive response and the fruitful discussions that ensued during the conference are a clear indication of the tremendous potential that lies ahead.

At DimensionLab, we are more committed than ever to spearheading the movement towards integrating AI-driven numerical simulations into tech companies relying on such simulations. We believe that by fostering a community of like-minded professionals and enthusiasts, we can pave the way for a brighter and more efficient future.

We extend our gratitude to all the participants and organizers of SlovakiaTech 2023. It was an honor to share our vision about a new era of technological advancements that are grounded in science and propelled by innovation in AI.

For all of you who couldn’t be there and would like to know more about physics simulation and how we can leverage AI in the industrial metaverse – ping us at or join our Discord community: